The first step is to break it down to the most important questions you should be asking yourself prior to your purchase.
What’s it For?
What are the main reasons you want a hot tub? There are a few reasons people choose to purchase a hot tub. It could be…
- Fitness
- Relaxation/stress management
- Medical treatment
- Social Interaction
What selection you choose means that is what you want your hot tub to focus on. This guide will help you be aware of what tubs are right based off of your selection:
- Relaxation & Stress Management – Master Spas Healthy Living Series, Master Spas Twilight Series
- Fitness – Michael Phelps Swim Spas, H2X Swim Spas
- Medical Treatment – Master Spas Legend Series, Bullfrog Spas A Series, Bullfrog Spas R Series
- Social Interaction – Bullfrog Spas X Series, Master Spas Clarity Series
Try Before you Buy
Doing research is a crucial step when purchasing a hot tub. The different models, features, and specifications online are things to review. During your research, customer reviews (of spas and the dealers that you purchase from) are an invaluable resource.
Another great idea is making lists. Whether that be a pros and cons list to compare models, or to make a list of specifications and then taking it to a dealer to help you make your final selection. Reputable dealers will be able to arrange for you to test a few models. Whether it’s in your trunks or dry, it will still give you an idea of what it will be like.
Consider the Cost
Another important factor to consider is the price of your hot tub. It’s even more important to consider the total cost of ownership. Especially for an outdoor tub, you should be asking how efficient the heating system is, how well the tub retains heat, and how effective the water filtration system is.
Initially, there are components that might have higher up-front costs, such as a model with solid foam insulation. However, many people will recoup that extra money in the first year through lower heating costs. Efficiency, while it may be pricey – is the way to go when purchasing a hot tub. More efficient heaters mean less energy and money spent. More effective filtration means less time and money spent on chemicals and adjustments to water chemistry.
Sometimes spending a bit more can actually save you money!
If you are interested in buying a hot tub, be sure to contact the experts at Niagara Hot Tubs. We ensure we give you all the necessary information and have over 40 years of strong knowledge and expertise within the hot tub industry. We won’t steer you wrong!